Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fit For Kings... We Run Duval..

Some say that Jacksonville or Florida period, is slow when it comes to the fashion industry. I have a simple and quick reply to that, "We do not represent the fashion Industry". We represent street culture. Fit For Kings Clothing is a prime example of when I say street culture. FFK does not tie itself any to fashion rule on as to what can and cannot be done. It's not so much as to that FFK rebels, like a teen from its parent, but more like an individual who stands out making its own statement.

Headed by Josh Pafford, (CEO), Fit For Kings launched in 2006 and has made it clear that they are a premier clothing line that represents the street culture of North Florida. Currently in the works of making deals with street boutiques nationwide , FFK clothing will soon be available to everyone. For the meantime you can log into to check out the latest and greatest. Fall and Winter line will soon be released.

-a Stahr Studded Post...

Words from Mr Nothing More Nothing Less..

What up? So, im taking some time to showcase some dope gear from right here out of Jacksonville. Fit For Kings clothing has been killing it recently w/ the shirts, hats, jackets, and even wallets! Hahaha…visit their site @…see Just Will rocking the “We Run Duval” blue..

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1 comment:

LO'Grady said...

You know what, my dude has been hussling for real! We represent him as much as he represents us. It's about being tuned into your people! Look out for my man Josh's clothing and accessories coming to a boutique near you!