Thursday, August 21, 2008

Interior crocodile alligator

Well it seems a line from a freestyle done by Chip the Ripper has become famous for one line. Now it's being looped, and to me it's just funny. ENJOY!

Interior crocodile alligator;
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.
Interior crocodile alligator;
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.
Interior crocodile alligator;
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.
Interior crocodile alligator;
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.
Interior crocodile alligator;
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.
Interior crocodile alligator;
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.
Interior crocodile alligator;
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.

This is another blog to say "I TOLD YOU SO" by Tha Antagonist

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